Looking to monetize your free time see the list of 30 best online part-time jobs that you can start in 2024
Online Part-time jobs
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Online part-time jobs are hugely influenced by their accessibility and flexibility and one can start working anywhere.
Since online work-from-home jobs have become a part of our life one cannot deny the benefits you get supplementing your income.
As we move deeper into the virtual world more & more jobs opportunity are accessible that you can do part-time.
Having a tiring schedule working 9-5 is no more bearable and with every means, I decided to switch to online earning.
So, with every possible means, I would want to take this opportunity to share with you guys how you can earn money part-time.
In this post, I will guide you to ways to make money doing online part-time jobs for students, teenagers, and beginners.
How can I earn money doing online part-time jobs?
The rise of online work-from-home jobs has opened a pool of opportunities that allow you to work part-time.
There are many ways to can use your free time and monetize any skills you have like content writing, designing & editing.
In addition, you can also be a remote customer service, Blogger, Virtual assistant, Transcriber, translator, and web designer.
So, with each skill, you have hundreds of jobs openings that hire workers to work remotely and with a flexible routine.
Also, there are hundreds of high-paying jobs that can be done full-time or part-time based on your skillset.
That includes Social media manager, Digital marketing, SEO consultant, web designing, video editor, and ads experts.
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Best Online jobs that you can do with little or no experience.
As a beginner, you have to start from somewhere and with little knowledge you hardly find any jobs however this is not true.
Let me just introduce you to some entry-level work from home jobs you can rely on & start making money online.
There is a high probability that you can get these jobs to work for the best of companies worldwide “The fortune 500”.
1. Customer service representative
While working at home you can answer people’s queries over the phone solving customer’s questions.
More precisely you will answer solutions over the phone, emails, and chat software related to product/ services.
Several companies are on the list that actively hires customer service representatives to work from home part-time.
All you need is a computer, a high-speed internet connection, a headphone with a mic, and a cozy home office.
With all the equipment you can apply to companies like Kelly, TTEC, Teleperformance, Transcom, and Randstad.
2. Data entry jobs
Data entry-level work-from-home jobs are more appropriate for people who can spend time entering data on computers.
Like you will give the task to fill in the information in some file systems in a computer or software that are mostly remote.
The job requires excellent typing skills, good knowledge of the language, great communication, and a quick turnaround.
To do this job you can apply to various legit data entry sites like Dion data, Scribie, Rev, Transcribeme, and mega typers.
3. Sales representatives
Have you been working in sales lately, and looking for more flexible work from home entry-level sales representatives jobs.
Entry-level sales representatives jobs are given the duty to work as inbound & outbound calls selling products/services.
You have a few legit online job boards that hire remote sales representative workers where you can work and earn money.
These sites include ladder, angellist, Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, Ziprecruiter, and sales head.
4. Tech support jobs
Tech support jobs are professionals who work to provide support and assistance to maintain and update computers.
The work of a tech support specialist is to fix any issues that may occur using a system and upgrading, configuring & installing.
But, online tech support jobs are to provide assistance to customers when facing an issue using an operating system.
You will personally walk through customers online providing solutions to complicated tech-related issues virtually.
There are more tech jobs in the market these days and you can access hundreds of opportunities working from home.
Sites you can refer to are Flexjobs, Upwork, Weworkremotely, Indeed, monster, and Amazon web services.
5. Online teaching jobs
If you love to share your valuable information then start teaching online to students and in subjects, you are skilled in.
The online teaching space has seen a huge jump in each and every sector whether it be English, music, science, or blogging.
With an unmatchable potential for subject matter experts, you can expand your audience by choosing to teach online.
So, to make it easy there are several third-party platforms that allow you to teach with others let you create it from scratch.
Sites like VIPKID, Chegg, teachable, skillshare, udemy, and courser.
6. Social media management
Companies nowadays hire social media managers to manage their daily activities and interpret its insight to grow.
Social media in the sense like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other portals like LinkedIn.
Since social media has become an integral part of our life one can look up to it for business growth, reach, and sales.
An excellent social media specialist is one who engages with the audience, updates content, designs, and generates ideas.
As the demand for social media experts is going up there is a wide variety of online part-time jobs are available online.
You can find jobs on sites like Belay, Fancyhands, 99dollar social, Upwork, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour.
Online part-time jobs for students without investment
7. Freelancing
Have you ever thought of working with your own free will with all the skill set and expertise that you possess?
If you haven’t these consider incorporating freelancing in your routine and see its potential.
You will leverage the benefit of working from home earning part-time without investment on various online platforms.
These platforms allow professionals to show their skills to a wider audience and make money sitting at home.
So, with the skills like freelance writing, VA, teaching, Transcription, social media & SEO you can earn good money at home.
Sites like smashing jobs, Toptal, freelancer, Upwork, contra, Fiverr, and other platforms let you register easily.
While you apply for freelance jobs always check on your competitors and plan your strategy ahead.
8. Virtual assistant
Sometimes you just want to relax and let others handle your work this is where virtual assistance comes into place.
A virtual assistant is a professional who offers administrative tasks to businesses and entities with their skills.
There are various topics in which you can offer services and earn a handsome amount working fully remotely.
As there are more than 200+ virtual assistance services some of which are blogging, email management, and proofreading.
You can work online part-time through online marketplaces like Belay solutions, 99 dollar social, and Upwork.
The average pay of virtual assistance workers is $20-$80 per hour and it may increase as you gain more experience.
9. Small tasks online
If you are looking for more temporary jobs that you can do in your spare time these small tasks jobs are for you.
Several online marketplaces offer a wide range of micro-tasks like surveys, captcha filling, review, data entry, and more.
These sites are easy to join with hundreds of micro-tasks available on its portal which you can take and complete.
Sites like Amazon mechanical Turk, microworkers, and clickworkers allow you to take part in daily small work jobs.
10. Freelance writer
Are you a good writer and wish to take this opportunity to write for businesses and blogs, then writing is a good choice?
Recent numbers of freelance writers are magnanimous and with each day the strength keeps rising due to the jump in online work.
In addition, you can write for start-ups, professionals, news sites, website content, white papers, and business plans.
Here are some popular marketplaces where you can work online like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Guru, and iwriter.
11. Graphic designing
Designing is an important part of any content that requires a visual representation to form its identity over people.
Thus businesses are hiring graphic designers to market their services/products with eye-catching stunning designs.
Whether it be a blog, Facebook ads, marketing campaigns, layouts, posters, or images to showcase their brands.
You as a designer will create ads campaign, web designs, pamphlets & social media posts that are inspiring &valuable.
As a graphic designer, you have plenty of marketplaces to work online part-time and generate the best of ideas.
Sites that are popular are Dribbble, Envatomarket, Upwork, Fiverr, Toptal, and 99designs.
Top work from home companies for online part-time jobs hiring now
1. Avra talent
Avra talent is a one-stop solution to find remote work from home jobs that serves fintech, crypto, and blockchain start-ups.
It’s unique for its remote culture where you can also help others find their first remote jobs to work part-time.
As for now, they are hiring recruiters to handle candidates’ on-boarding, interviews as a freelance technical recruiter.
The other is sourcers who work as a part detective & part analyst in selecting the top candidates for open roles.
For you to be considered as its employee you must know tools like slack, LinkedIn, and Google workspace.
2. Belay solutions
Belay solutions have a wide range of services to kick off that include virtual services, bookkeeping, web & social media.
If you have any one of the skills mentioned above then take this opportunity to work with flexibility and pay.
As the company boasts it is recommended by Flexjobs, entrepreneur magazine as the best place to work & thrive.
Right now they have jobs openings for sales, bookkeeping, social media manager, and virtual assistance.
3. BKA Content
If you have been writing blogs this may be the best place to get hired for online part-time jobs creating content.
BKA is a content generation writing & editing services company that creates engaging SEO content for every requirement.
In addition, you can work on landing pages, blog posts, product descriptions,s and press releases for small & large projects.
They are hiring content writers who can create exception articles on any given topic with excellent SEO skills.
4. Equivity
Another virtual administration services company that offers e-filing, Bookkeeping, data entry, recruiting, and editing services.
Equivity has spaces for digital marketing professionals to work for blogs, websites, graphics, and Google ads.
In addition, devise a strategy to increase brand identity, data analytics, and content marketing for businesses all over.
The company is looking for a virtual assistant for a variety of series like marketing, executive assistant, and estate paralegal.
You can work online part-time from Monday to Friday and you must have a laptop and a high-speed internet connection.
5. Expert business development
Expert business development is a business development firm that engages with its clients in building great prospects.
As for now, they deal in sales strategy, relationship building, appointment, lead generation, and other services.
You can now apply for a lead generation specialist with the primary target to introduce products to new prospects.
The EBD is looking for great communication & documentation skills, organized and computer skills with CRM efficiency.
6. Flexprofessionals
If you are looking for flexible work online flexprofessionals is the place to look for quality work with good pay.
Flexprofessionals serves in the field of writing, sales, marketing, finance & accounting, business, and web development.
A professional staffing agency envisioned by three working moms to help online part-time jobs seekers with quality work.
7. Kaplan
Throughout its dedication to empowering people with knowledge Kaplan is the most outstanding education provider.
Kaplan helps students to achieve their academic credibility with professional education programs with 1 million students globally.
So, with Kaplan, you have extremely beneficial opportunities to work in a wide variety of sectors.
That includes financial analyst, eCommerce strategy, full-stack engineer, content specialist, tech support, and data science.
If this is you then you have a huge list of online part-time jobs waiting for you for N. American & global workers.
8. Kelly services
Kelly Services is another top employment provider that has been connecting skilled workers with top firms globally.
So, with extremely talented staffing, outsourcing, and consulting companies you can apply for legit work-from-home jobs.
With services in different categories like accounting, customer service, healthcare, marketing, and information technology.
For online part-time jobs aspirants 400+ jobs listed on its jobs portal you can avail now.
9. Kforce
It’s a high-performing staffing company that empowers technology, finance, and accounting workers.
So, if tech, finance, and accounting are your domain then consider working for kforce in a variety of vacancies.
You have 1082 jobs for full-timers and 904 for part-time online jobs listed on its portal that require different skills.
While you can choose from a wide array of industries you want to work with like insurance, IT, retail, and business.
10. Language line solutions
As the name suggests by now you have pictured it is a localization, translation, and interpretation company.
Also, a pioneer in on-demand interpreting and translation services via mobile, phone, and video-conferencing.
The company offers you a wide variety of categories like marketing, technology, operations for both full & part-time jobs.
11. Modsquad
ModSquad is providing digital solutions to some of the prestigious companies all over the globe with its skilled teams.
You as an employee serve in the categories like customer support, social, moderation, and community managers.
In addition, you can work in fields like writing, HR Recruiter, sales executive, cyber security, and account managers positions.
They are actively hiring high-performing, talented candidates for a whole lot of open positions available on its jobs page.
12. Pearson
Learning has a new name, Pearson transforming lives through the potential of learning to achieve the best in life.
With more than 20,000 employees spread across the globe delivering products/services in more than 200 countries.
It is another popular company that offers flexible part-time online jobs for people of all potentiality that drives growth.
You can work in categories like sales, marketing, technology, operations, education, and products that pay well.
As for now, you have open positions in customer service, finance analyst, business analyst & marketing manager.
13. Prof360
The company prof360, specializes in the time-saving hiring process for part-time faculty for colleges and universities.
14. Profit factory
Profit factory is taking the initiative to mitigate the workload for businesses and companies all over the globe.
They are hiring for administration tasks with the United States and Canada for which you may have to pass the test.
As for now, the company is actively hiring virtual assistants and executive assistants.
15. Stride learning
Stride offers children, families, and businesses the required instructional needs to boost their skills for growth.
With three main departments like academic support, corporate, and career development jobs to work online.
The company is recruiting tech writers, business analysts, copywriters, software developers, and business managers.
As for part-timers you have the opportunity to work as a high school special ed teacher and earth science teacher.
16. Supporting strategies
Supporting strategies offers outsourced bookkeeping and accounting services for businesses to grow and expand their reach.
If accounting is your thing this is where you should look for opportunities in online part-time jobs in your free time.
There is a huge list of part-time virtual bookkeeping contractors required to work remotely 20-30 hours a week.
17. TELUS international
At TELUS International, the company offers customer experience with cutting-edge digital solutions for companies.
The services included are AI data solutions, digital experience, CX, IT, security, and advisory services with human-centered design.
And the industries it serves are tech, gaming, eCommerce, finance, fintech, healthcare, travel, and hospitality.
So, with vast areas of expertise, you have an amazing list of opportunities to work for TELUS International.
You can check their job page for available positions for online part-time jobs.
18. VIQ Solutions
VIQ solutions, with AI technology help, capture voice & video and convert it into actionable data in a quick turnaround.
The company offers solutions in legal, medical, criminal justice, insurance, corporate finance, and gov sector.
It is looking for innovative, talented, and passionate contractors for seemingly online part-time jobs seekers.
19. Walden university
To empower more credibility Walden university offers the opportunity for adult learners to earn higher degrees.
With educational background, you get to work for admission, faculty, student service, and finance.
It is hiring for health studies, finance account specialists, student success advisors, and clinical instructors.
20. Welocalize
The company welocalize offers content & data translation services to deliver growth to business on a global scale.
With this, you can the advantage of online part-time in finance, marketing, tech, customer success, and quality jobs.
In addition, you can also be a part of its freelancer community to avail a whole lot of gig economy jobs in many sectors.
What are the best online part-time jobs?
In terms of the best online part-time jobs you have a wide array of categories to choose from but from the list mentioned.
You have pretty wondrous opportunities to work in:
- Freelance writer
- Customer service representatives
- Online data entry
- Social media manager
- Proofreader
- Transcriber
- Web designer
- Online tutor
- Graphic designer
- Completing gigs on Fiverr
- Joining Upwork
- Virtual assistant
- Tech support
- Video editor
- Business consultant
What are the top 10 online jobs?
- Freelance writer
- Video editor
- Customer service representative
- Social media marketing
- SEO consultant
- Tech support
- Facebook ads
- Virtual assistant
- Transcription
- Product reviews
What jobs can I get online?
- Personal trainer
- HR recruiter
- Google ads specialist
- Voice over
- Chat agent
- Website tester
- Resume writer
- Online moderator
- Gig economy jobs
- Digital marketer