10 legit ways to make money

Are you looking for ways to make money in your spare time here are the 10 legit ways to make money online?

1. Freelance writing

Get onto the freelance sites that have less competition and offer your services writing for businesses & person.

2. Etsy

If you are good at making handcrafted items then you should definitely try out selling it on the marketplace Etsy.

3. Test websites

There are plenty of websites that allow you to test websites & apps which pay you in exchange for reviewing.

4. Sell books

You can start selling books online Amazon is a good online marketplace for you to reach the wider audience.

5. Blogging

Blogging is by far the most exciting and legit ways to make money online sharing your ideas and thoughts online.

6. Transcription

If you are a good listener try transcription it simply means converting audio files into written text for clients.

7. Affiliate marketing

Did you know that companies pay you to refer their services/products to other online and its 100% legitimate?

8. Virtual assistant

Virtual assistant are self employed professional that offer services like email marketing, writing and many others.

9. Get paid to read books

You can literally get paid to read books the simplest way is to join the sites that are available on the marketplace.

10. Web design

There are hundreds of businesses that want to take their business online and they require a website to start.

10 Transcription Jobs from home

Looking for work from home jobs that pay well? Transcription jobs are the perfect way for you to start earning.