Looking for work from home jobs that pay well? Transcription jobs are the perfect way for you to start earning.
Transcription is the process of converting audio files into written text i.e. listening to an audio files and write.
You require to pass the transcription test on transcribeme to get accepted and can earn up to $20/hr on an average.
If you are proficient in English language this may be the perfect platform for you to start both for experienced & beginners.
You will get the opportunity to work in the entertainment industry, working for them with the transcription works.
GMR transcription, will pay you $0.75 to $1.0 per audio minutes and have to complete the work under strict dead line.
Go transcript is another platform that pay you $0.60 per audio minute if you can type fast and can listen well.
Daily transcription is one of the leading platforms in the industry and allows you to earn between $45 - $51/hr.
Rev provides you the opportunity to become a freelancer and earn doing transcription, captioning works from home.
The minimum work requirement is 45 minutes per day but before they accept you they perform test of contractors.
With transcription wing you get to work in general, legal and medical transcriptions works and get paid $9/hr.
If you are an experienced transcriber this may be for you the pay is $45/hr and its lowest rate is $0.84/audio minute.
Best small business ideas that you can start with little to no investment at all yes, you don’t require massive funding.